Home Away
Boarding Kennel

Frequently Asked Questions

What Vaccinations are required to board my dog?
We require your dog to be vaccinated against DHLPP, Rabies, Bordetella and Canine Influenza. We strongly recommend your dog be immunized against bordetella (kennel cough) at least two weeks prior to boarding so the vaccination has time to be effective.
What vaccinations are required to board my cat?
We require your cat to be immunized for rabies, distemper and feline leukemia.
What are check-in/pick-up times for boarding?
Check in times are Monday through Saturday from 9am-10am and 5pm-7pm. Sunday from 5pm-7pm.
How are boarding fees calculated?
Boarding fees begin the day you check in your pet, regardless of time. No charge for the day if you pick up during morning pickup hours.
Can I pick-up/drop-off my pet outside of your normal business hours?
Special arrangements can be made at the discretion of management. Please contact us if this service is required. Pick-ups/drop-offs outside of normally scheduled hours will incur a $20 charge.
Can I make reservations online?
No. At this time reservations must be made by phone or face to face only.
What is the daily schedule like for my dog/cat?
Our staff begins the morning at 7:30 by allowing the dogs out for an initial potty break before breakfast. While dogs are having their potty break, kennels are cleaned, breakfast is served and water is dumped and refilled. When the weather is nice, the outdoor runs are opened. After breakfast, everybody gets to go outside for a longer break and buddy play (if applicable). Our feline friends and small pets get fed and watered and their cages/litterboxes cleaned. Midday, the dogs get a potty/play break. At 4:30 evening turnout begins with the initial potty break while kennels are cleaned, dinner and water. After dinner, the dogs get a longer potty/play time. Cats and small pets get fed and watered and their cages cleaned. Before bedtime everybody gets a potty/play break and bed check before lights out.
What do my pets eat?
Please bring your pet's favorite food IN A SEALABLE CONTAINER. Any meds, treats, etc. should be clearly labeled.
What if my pet needs veterinary care?
Home Away will take every precaution necessary to ensure a pleasant visit for your vet. Unfortunately, sometimes pets do become ill. In that event, we will attempt to reach your preferred veterinarian first. If we cannot make contact with your preferred vet or if the situation is an emergency, we will contact our on call vet. Home Away will follow the recommendations of the attending veterinarian to ensure the safety and good health of your pet. Any charges incurred for a vet's service, emergency or otherwise, will be invoiced to you accordingly. If you prefer to handle the health care of your pet differently than our standard policy, we will accept your written instructions on how to handle any situations that may arise.
How far in advance do I have to book?
We generally fill up quickly on holiday weekends, summer months and school vacations; therefore, we recommend making reservations for your pets as early as possible. Once we are full, we begin a waiting list for future cancellations.
What type of exercise will my dog get while boarding?
Weather permitting, the outside runs are open to allow your pup to go inside and outside. Additionally, you may sign your dog up for buddy play during turnout as long as they are good with other dogs. Private play can be purchased as well. See fee schedule for information.
May I bring toys, beds, treats?
Of course! Home Away provides blankets but if you want to bring one from home, please do. Your pet would love to have toys as well. Please avoid raw hide, rope toys or other toys that may present choking hazards.
Is the kennel manned 24 hours a day?
The owner live onsite adjacent to the kennel but occasionally may be off the property. The dogs are kept securely in the kennel with no outside access to anyone other than staff aside from open hours.
What is your cancellation policy?
We require three days notice for changing or cancelling a reservation. Any cancellations with less than three days notice will require payment.